Juice & Smoothie Industry?Now’s the time to take advantage of our smoothie & juice franchise opportunities.
More than ever before, people are looking to adopt healthier eating habits. That’s strongly evidenced by the worldwide $9.3 billion juice and smoothie industry, which research firm, Technavio, predicts will grow to $17 billion by 2024. That puts our juice and smoothie franchise just where we want it to be.

The Benefits of
Smoothies & JuicesSmoothies and juices offer a healthier on-the-go option. With fresh-squeezed vegetables and fruits, plus protein add-ins like whey and soy, they are becoming a much more popular option for people who want to eat healthier but still need the convenience of quick serve.
According to Technavio, “A rise in health-conscious population coupled with preventive food habits is fueling the growth of the global smoothies market. Preventive food habits indicate consumption of healthy foods with some functional benefits and added vitamins and minerals. These foods minimize the risk of health-related issues and increase the immunity and strength of the body.”

A DIFFERENCEOne of the great things about offering both raw juices and smoothies is that they aren’t just for the all-or-nothing healthy eaters. People across all demographics are now realizing the importance of incorporating more fruit and vegetables into their diets, and they love adding a green juice, smoothie, or superfruit bowl to the mix.
The citrusy tang of the Invigorator (a raw juice that blends orange, spinach, kale, and pineapple) and a cold and creamy Dragon Fruit Passion Bowl, topped with satisfyingly crunchy organic omega-3 granola, taste like treats. That’s something Juice It Up! customers love.

FOOD SCIENTISTNoah Burgess, our Research & Development Food Scientist here at Juice It Up!, points out that a small juice offers three servings of fruits and vegetables, a medium offers four and a half servings of fruits and vegetables, and a large contributes a whopping eight servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. You won’t find that in a cheeseburger.
“We’re starting to see a lot of the younger demographic, Millennials and the generation after that, gravitating toward the superfruit and smoothie bowls. In addition to the increased interest in our bowl line with the younger demographic, we’re also seeing more interest in protein. It has picked up a lot of speed in the last year or two.”Noah Burgess, JUICE IT UP! Research & Development Food Scientist

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